Place all ingredients in 3-4 quart crockpot with remaining ingredients except for vinegar, mustard, and kaiser rolls.
Cover and cook for 2 hours on high, 5-6 hours on low until thickened and the lentils are tender.
Note: If there’s still too much liquid tilt the lid and put crockpot on high until better thickened (about a half hour). I’ve cut back on the water for the sloppy joes as we do not want a lentil “soup”.
If lentils aren’t done and getting too dry add a splash of water and mix up and keep on low another 15 to 30 min.
Stir in vinegar and mustard just before serving.
Make sandwiches using toasted buns.
Another nice twist to these is making them Buffalo style sloppy Joe's.
In this case add in 2-4 Tablespoons of Frank’s red hot!