Heart Health: Menopause is associated with an increased risk of heart disease due to declining estrogen levels. Plant-based diets, when done properly, are known to support heart health by reducing cholesterol levels, blood pressure and inflammation.

Do you know anyone who’s had an “sudden” heart attack in your lifetime? They probably exercised often? Can you recall what they were eating? I pray it was not fatal.

Current research shows that a plant-based lifestyle can REVERSE existing heart disease, blocked arteries and lower cholesterol. Off topic for women’s health, but did you know Erectile Dysfunction in men is a symptom of heart disease? Yep, those arteries “down there” in men are clogged up.

Now, remember our phytoestrogen foods?

These include cruciferous vegetables! These are our beautiful nutrient filled friends named arugula, cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower. This family takes its alternate name from the shape of their flowers, who’s four petals resemble a cross. Cruciferae comes from Latin, for “cross-bearing”.

You’re here, so you’re smart. Now you’re a little more knowledgeable and if you ever crossed your heart, well, it’s probably no coincidence that these babes can help reduce the ailments I mentioned earlier or completely reverse them.

Foods I like to incorporate (pictured) for these signature dishes:

  • Arugula Pizza
  • My Plant-based Mac and Trees
  • Cauliflower for my Lucious Creamy Cauliflower Soup
  • Kale which accompanies my Mediterranean Bowl

As always, I make no medical claims, but a plant-based lifestyle has been researched extensively for over 50 years and has a plethora of benefits for one’s health.

Knowledge is power.

If your are here, my help is yours. If you are interested in a more tailor-made solution for your life, click the obvious button.

Here’s a proper definition of PHYTOESTROGEN and where the word derives from which I think you’ll find interesting:

Its name comes from the Greek phyto (“plant”) and estrogen, the hormone which gives fertility to female mammals. The word “estrus” (Greek οίστρος) means “sexual desire”, and “gene” (Greek γόνο) is “to generate”. It has been hypothesized that plants use a phytoestrogen as part of their natural defense against the overpopulation of herbivore animals by controlling female fertility.

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