There is a lot happening in the United States currently. From hurricanes to fires.
Since many of my subscribers and clients are global, I’m including all of you in this email.
There are ways to stay healthy no matter what weather or other situations may strike in you area.
I always like to have some canned goods on hand. Sure they’re are higher in sodium and sugar, but you can possibly find them with low or none of these ingredients. However, it is far better than any other alternative that I’ve found.
Pictured here are some “go-to’s” that do not need to be heated up to enjoy. You can spice any of them up with pepper you hot sauces or other low-fat condiments.
If you are able to plan way ahead (unless there’s an earthquake), I have also prepared my Asian peanut noodles, which are served cold and my simple potato salad. (Recipe link below).
I wish all of you well and pray for your safety no matter what Mother Nature tosses our way!
I started out several years ago watching Forks Over Knives, decided to “try out” the plant-based meal plan and had shockingly incredible results. I’ve never turned back. I have lost nearly 50 pounds, and that is just one side effect that me, my family, friends and clients have experienced after making the change.
Having been an incredible cook my entire adult life, I started my own personal chef service, NuYu Nourish, to extend my help to others. I interned under a celebrity chef, became a celebrity chef myself and have been expanding my reach and goals ever since! My plan follows strictly and simply those of Dr. Mcdougall, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Esselstyn.