Today, I want to simply send you all my thanks for your continued support here on my website and social media. I love all your emails here as well as your likes and comments on social media and all the beautiful conversations we have had.
If there is any content you’d like to see more of, please message me.
I’m here to help YOU.
Love and sunshine!

I started out several years ago watching Forks Over Knives, decided to “try out” the plant-based meal plan and had shockingly incredible results. I’ve never turned back. I have lost nearly 50 pounds, and that is just one side effect that me, my family, friends and clients have experienced after making the change.
Having been an incredible cook my entire adult life, I started my own personal chef service, NuYu Nourish, to extend my help to others. I interned under a celebrity chef, became a celebrity chef myself and have been expanding my reach and goals ever since! My plan follows strictly and simply those of Dr. Mcdougall, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Esselstyn.